Vodcast 2: LLN Acronyms ACSF FSK and more

Vodcast 2: LLN Acronyms ACSF FSK and more

This vodcast looks at some of the terminology and acronyms we use when talking and writing about adult literacy and numeracy. Education in general—and maybe VET in particular—is great at deploying acronyms. Within literacy and numeracy circles, for example, we have LLN, ACSF, CSFW, FSK, ESL, EAL, CALD, NESB. Then there’s ALLS, PIAAC and more.

NEW! Vodcast 2 Discussion Notes

This set of accompanying Discussion Notes is designed for RTOs to use as starting points for discussing LLN in their delivery and training in VET. We recommend you use them before staff and trainers view the vodcasts.